To be accredited as a CBD Accredited Assessor you will need to agree to a set of conditions which are listed under section 27 of the Building Energy Efficiency Disclosure Act 2010 (BEED Act) and under regulation 9 of the Building Energy Efficiency Disclosure Regulations 2010 (BEED Regulations).
You are required to comply with all the conditions listed. Failure to comply with the conditions may result in a suspension or revocation of your accreditation. The conditions of accreditation are:
Insurance cover
You must be covered at all times whilst a CBD Accredited Assessor by:
- professional indemnity insurance that is adequate to cover claims arising out of assessments you carry out under the BEED Act (BEED Regulation 9(2)(a)); and
- public liability insurance of at least $10 million in relation to your functions as an accredited assessor (BEED Regulation 9(2)(b)).
You must identify yourself to an owner, lessee or sub-lessee before accessing a building, an area of a building or an area associated with the building for the purposes of the energy efficiency assessment or for the purpose of performing any other function under the BEED Act or the BEED Regulations (BEED Regulation 9(5)).
Further training
During the time you are accredited, you must complete any further professional development training that the Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water (the department) or its authorised entity requests you, in writing, to complete (BEED Regulation 9(7)).
Conflicts of interest
You must, at the time you apply to an issuing authority for:
- a Building Energy Efficiency Certificate (BEEC); or
- a NABERS Energy for Offices rating; or
- a CBD Tenancy Lighting Assessment (TLA); or
- an application for an exemption from disclosure obligations.
Disclose in writing to the authority, any material interest you have in the issue of the above assessment, if that interest could conflict with the proper performance of your functions as a CBD Accredited Assessor.
This applies to interests:
- whether pecuniary or not; and
- whether acquired before or after your accreditation as an Assessor (BEED Regulation 9(3)(4)).
Maintaining your NABERS Accreditation
You must:
- In accordance with BEED Regulation 9(8) be registered as a NABERS Accredited Assessor with the NSW Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water (NSW DCCEEW) within 2 months after the date the person is accredited under section 25 of the BEED Act.
- Remain registered as a NABERS Accredited Assessor while you are accredited as a CBD Assessor under the BEED Act.
Updating your details
You must notify the department if there is any change in personal circumstances such as email address, employment, criminal history, or insurance and indemnity details within two weeks by email at
Cooperating with the department and any external auditing authority
You must work cooperatively with the department and any external auditing authority to ensure the effective and efficient administration of the BEED Act. For clarity, this obligation extends beyond any obligations you might have under the BEED Act and associated legislation and includes making yourself and any relevant documentation available within a reasonable period as requested by an auditing authority.
Proper and professional conduct
You must carry out your functions under the BEED Act in a proper and professional manner, concerned at all times to build or maintain the reputation of the CBD Program set up under the BEED Act and in accordance with the NABERS Energy Rating Rules and the CBD Tenancy Lighting Assessment for Offices Rules.
Comply with the branding guidelines
You must comply with the branding guidelines (as amended from time to time) in connection with using any trademarks or other branding owned or supplied by the department.
Comply with Work Health and Safety (WHS) requirements
You must comply with all relevant WHS standards and legislation when undertaking an assessment.
Indemnity and release
If your application is approved, as a CBD Accredited Assessor, you indemnify the department against any losses:
- arising out of, or as a consequence of, any unlawful or negligent act or omission or breach of these conditions by you; or
- arising from or in relation to personal injury or property damage incurred by a third party in connection with the assessments,
except to the extent that any negligent act or omission by the department, its officers or employees contributed to the loss.